How to access parent/student information
CutTime operates a little differently than Charms did. You no longer need a traditional account log-in and password to access the system.
You have a personal link that will always take you to your account.
Don’t know what it is? Go to and click on the appropriate button (either Student or Guardian)
to get your link sent to you.
This is your “Magic Link”.
You can always use that link to view CutTime. If you ever forget/lose it, just follow the above process again to have it re-sent.
It will go to whatever phone number/email we have on file for you. If you don’t know what that is or don’t receive your link,
please reach out to Karen Rippey, RBHS Fine Arts Secretary (
CutTime Calendars
One of the best features of these programs is the ability to subscribe to a master calendar to see RBHS band events. You don’t
have to add events to your personal calendar manually, and if the band department makes changes, you automatically get the
CutTime handles calendars slightly differently than Charms did. There are 2 different calendars in CutTime: a student calendar
(only available to students & guardians) and a public calendar (available to anyone).
Here’s how to set them up:
1. Find your calendar link:
· Students/Guardians – Using your Magic Link, go to the main dashboard and click on “Calendar Links”. Copy that calendar link
· Everyone else – The public calendar link is
2. Subscribe to your calendar – after you find your link, follow the steps here to add it to your calendar platform of choice (
Still confused or have questions?
• Feel free to contact Stephani Worts ( with any questions about CutTime or calendar set up (she’s our Bruin Band Boosters “tech support” person this year).
• If you have questions about your student’s information, payments owed, or anything related to the school band program, please contact Karen Rippey, RBHS Fine Arts Secretary (